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Even 5 years ago, most huddle spaces and meeting rooms featured 1080p displays. The short viewing distances coupled with the screen resolution meant that attempting to display multiple windows on a screen could render text hard to read. Today, screens have migrated to 4K resolutions and become even larger, meaning multi-windowing for collaboration and decision making are now much more feasible and could be considered essential in terms of the viewing experience and use of your 4K visual real estate.

In this blog, we will examine how 4K multiviewers can be a game changer for corporate, higher education and healthcare markets.

Boost Efficiency & Collaboration

Every minute teams spend together, face-to-face or in hybrid sessions, needs to focus on seamless information sharing utilizing collaborative, multi-window environments that perform beyond the capabilities of Zoom and MS Teams.

Delivering this essential requirement in today’s huddle rooms, meeting rooms, and collaborative spaces need to deliver way beyond what was normal even a few years ago.

Multiviewers allow multiple sources to be connected and viewed simultaneously on a single display. This means that all meeting participants can collaborate and compare ideas without the need to swap the cable. Additionally, it is simple enough to take any source full screen with the click of a button. 

In Room. Online. Be There.

Get more from your lecture facilities with new hybrid ways of engaging with your students, whether they are in the room or learning remotely. As part of the “Zoom Generation,” your students are more demanding than ever before regardless of where they are.

In a hybrid session, the remote user cannot instantly engage with the session because they do not experience the same visual cues as their fellow students in the lecture hall. Equally, catering only for the hybrid audience would disenfranchise the learners in the room.

For either audience, the lecturer can select different output views using a multi-window processor to compliment the learning experience both in the lecture room and for students joining online. Using a series of customizable preset source layouts, it’s possible to design independent output views so both audiences have the perfect visual experience.

Multiviewers also provide the advantage of allowing multiple sources to be connected and viewed simultaneously on a single display. For example: PC’s, visualizers, cameras, and laptops.

Monitoring for quick decision making

Multi-Window Processors are used in a wide range of clinical healthcare environments including operating rooms, diagnostic areas for clinical monitoring, and teaching facilities. Whether the processor is being used for simultaneously displaying multiple sources or for managing complex signal management, reliability is key. Additionally, any visual equipment must work at ultra-low latencies and with perfect color rendition while always functioning perfectly, as any downtime or other technical issues will have a real-time impact on human life.

Elevate your visual experiences

Multiple video windows are not only extremely useful in collaborative spaces, but they can also help inform and engage your colleagues and visitors from the moment that they enter your facility using large-scale LED walls. With attractive visual real estate, you can interactively inform your visitors while engaging them with your brand that helps you stand out from the crowd.

In these environments, multi-window video processors can also offer unique visual canvasses. Extra wide LED implementations are becoming increasingly popular not only because they open a visual horizon, but also because many rooms demand a move beyond 16:9, because ceiling heights can be a limited factor. The most efficient and flexible solution is to choose a solution that, in addition to displaying external sources, can internally playback several synchronized 16:9 media clips. Using this playback method, it is amazingly simple for your in-house design team to inexpensively create custom material.

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